Consumption Guide

Consumption points Guide Male Female
Post on Noticeboard 0pt 0pt
Read Post on Noticeboard 10pt 0pt
Sending private message via Noticeboard 50pt 20pt
Read new Private Message 130pt 0pt
Reply to private message 240pt 0pt
View other people profile picture 30pt 0pt
View attached image in private message 20pt 0pt
Upload video on profile album 500pt 300pt
Watch video attached in private message 200pt 100pt
Attached video from album to private message 200pt 100pt
Mass send private message 800pt 50pt
Posting personal information on Noticeboard 2000pt 2000pt
Reading post on Noticeboard that contains personal information 2000pt 2000pt
Sending private message containing personal information 2000pt 2000pt
Reading private message contain personal information 2000pt 2000pt
Reply to private message containing personal information 3000pt 2000pt
Mass send private message contain personal information 5000pt 2000pt

Members consume points when using our SNS chat. Points are being top up via our site and thereafter reflected within our website.

You are required to consume points purchased before it expires. Points is only valid for 180 days.

‘There is a minimum purchase of 100 points and a maximum purchase of 120,000 points.

US$1 / 10points..